Thursday, December 29, 2016

Lets Make Some Plans

The final itinerary has been set! But not in stone. We know that biking 3,260 miles through Europe isn't going to go entirely as planned but having a set Itinerary will help us get the planning started. The biggest thing will be lodging, we will have up to 15 people on the team that needs a place to sleep which may be a challenge in some of the small towns and cities we pass through while on the road so as we begin to make more detailed plans things could shift around to nearby areas if we run into any problems with logistics. Dates for big cities and days off I am not worried about shifting around at all.

On JOH, because of it's long history and years of building relationships with local partners we have a lot of help with food, lodging, and even laundry. This trip we are looking to build new relationships with friends, family, friends of friends...of friends and kind strangers willing to help us stay warm and healthy while we ride. If you or someone you know lives or will be near any of the places we stop and might be willing to help us in any way or just wants to meet us and see what we are doing please connect them to me, my contact information is below.

Two things about the Itinerary to note. Our kick-off will be Monday May 29th with a 65 mile ride to Lugo, Spain. Our arrival will be Saturday July 22nd in Rome, Italy, the following day will likely be some kind of event for family and friends of team members.

Phone: 425-301-5987

Monday, December 5, 2016

Why stop at the east coast? Spain is just across the Atlantic.

Two and a half years ago I was part of Journey of Hope (JOH) 2014, I rode from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean across the U.S. with The Ability Experience, then called Push America. For 70 days, and over 4,400 miles I rode with an incredible team spreading awareness for and supporting people with disabilities through events almost every day at the end of our rides. It was an incredible summer working for a cause that has always been close to me. Growing up I met many amazing people through my mother’s work as a director of non profits serving people with disabilities and I saw the extraordinary abilities of these people that are so often overlooked. The Journey of Hope was an experience unlike any other, with such great impact on the organizations we visited, the people they serve and everyone on our team. I think often of the people we met and experiences we shared, on and off the bike, I never thought I would be able to experience that again. 

Now here I am, starting another blog for another months long cycling event with another passionate team preparing to ride our bikes 3,270 miles over 60 days through 7 European countries in support of people with disabilities, The Ability Experience and the work they do for people with disabilities. I heard some rumors months ago about a "JOH Europe" route and thought it sounded amazing, but fresh out of college, just beginning my career, loving the job I found, I never thought I'd be able to step away from that to bike through Europe for two months. Then Evan Eshelman, the one guy from JOH 2014 that was willing to make JOH a true coast to coast ride with me by riding the 200+ extra miles outside the official route told me he was on the Europe team, it was just the motivation I needed to take a serious look at the logistics. I am fortunate to work for a company that is allowing me to take on this adventure, to have family so supportive in helping me make this happen and friends who encourage me. I wasn't going to let an experience like this one pass me by and now it's official, my budget is in place, my work gave the green light, and I'm telling the world!

Ability Challenge Europe creates an entirely new opportunity to continue to serve the disability community and challenge our own abilities. Journey of Hope started almost 30 years ago on a similar premise, a ride with a purpose. What better way is there to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Journey of Hope than to get back on the road in a new way? The route primarily follow the EuroVelo cycling network with some improvisation along the way. Our trip is inspired by JOH, but we will find out own impact and meaning along the way. Without the same connections as JOH we will look for new and different opportunities to share our message. We will do our best to have meaningful friendship visits with organizations that support people with disabilities and spread our message of embracing the abilities of all people every day in any way we can.

For JOH 2014 I raised just over $8,000, The Ability Challenge Europe team hopes to raise $100,000 dollars between the 15 team members to be donated to The Ability Experience. I've set a goal of $7000 by the end of our trip and I hope that you can help me reach it, any amount helps The Ability Experience impact the lives of people with disabilities across the country.

More details to come in future posts as we continue to plan our adventure. I'll be updating the blog during this planning period as well as during the trip with pictures, videos and stories of our experience, the challenges we face and the people we meet along the way.

For donations visit my fundraising page
More Information on The Ability Experience here
The blog from Journey of Hope 2014
  • Quick Ride Stats
    • Start: Santiago de Compestela, May 25 
    • Finish: Rome, Italy, July 23
    • Number of Days = 60
    • Total Distance = 3266 miles
    • Average Miles per Day = 55 miles
    • Average Miles per Day (days on the bike) = 67 miles
    • Countries Visited: Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy

I'm already putting the training miles in on the road, here are some pictures from a 23 mile ride making loops on the Lakemont Blvd hill climb near my house, going to have to brave the winter weather a lot to get myself in the shape I want to be in for this trip.

And a throwback to the guy that convinced me I needed to make this adventure happen. This was on the final 108 mile leg to reach the Atlantic Ocean.