Thursday, December 29, 2016

Lets Make Some Plans

The final itinerary has been set! But not in stone. We know that biking 3,260 miles through Europe isn't going to go entirely as planned but having a set Itinerary will help us get the planning started. The biggest thing will be lodging, we will have up to 15 people on the team that needs a place to sleep which may be a challenge in some of the small towns and cities we pass through while on the road so as we begin to make more detailed plans things could shift around to nearby areas if we run into any problems with logistics. Dates for big cities and days off I am not worried about shifting around at all.

On JOH, because of it's long history and years of building relationships with local partners we have a lot of help with food, lodging, and even laundry. This trip we are looking to build new relationships with friends, family, friends of friends...of friends and kind strangers willing to help us stay warm and healthy while we ride. If you or someone you know lives or will be near any of the places we stop and might be willing to help us in any way or just wants to meet us and see what we are doing please connect them to me, my contact information is below.

Two things about the Itinerary to note. Our kick-off will be Monday May 29th with a 65 mile ride to Lugo, Spain. Our arrival will be Saturday July 22nd in Rome, Italy, the following day will likely be some kind of event for family and friends of team members.

Phone: 425-301-5987

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