Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Haircut Fundraiser

I've been growing my hair out for over a year now but it must go before the bike trip or it will be a constant battle between jew fro and helmet every day on the bike. So to make things a litte more interesting I have decided to launch a haircut fundraiser!

Here's how it works:
During the month of March I collected ideas from friends and family on crazy haircuts they thought I should get. I've picked the top 5 ideas and am now asking for your input.

Below are the names and images of the 5 ideas. With your donation you can vote on the idea you like the best. The idea with the most donations on April 24th will win and I will cut my hair like that for a weekend from April 28th to the 30th. I will be out at bars, breweries, wineries, shows and/or events all weekend long to show off the hairdo and I encourage anyone to join me for an entertaining time!

For online donations you can leave the name of the hairstyle you like in the public comments and I will add your donation to my tally for each hairstyle.

Donation link here:






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